
Work experience


  1. Gao, J., Choo, K.T.W., Cao, J., Lee, R.K.-W. and Perrault, S. 2023. CoAIcoder: Examining the Effectiveness of AI-assisted Human-to-Human Collaboration in Qualitative Analysis. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. (Aug. 2023). DOI:
  2. Wang, H., Hee, M., Awal, R., Choo, K.T.W. and Lee, R.K.-W. 2023. Evaluating GPT-3 Generated Explanations for Hateful Content Moderation. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2023).
  3. Awal, R., Lee, R.K.-W. and Choo, K.T.W. 2022. MUSCAT: Multilingual Rumor Verification in Social Media Conversations. (2022). IEEE BigData.
  4. Zhu, J., Ran, J., Lee, R.K.-W., Choo, K.T.W. and Li, Z. 2021. AutoChart: A Dataset for Chart-to-Text Generation Task. Proceedings of RANLP (2021). (dataset)
  5. Nurhadi, A., Perrault, S. and Choo, K.T.W. 2021. Designing a Disembodied Conversational Agent as a Digital Companion for Older Adults. CSCW 2021 Workshop on Conversational User Interfaces (Oct. 2021).
  6. Tekler, Z.D., Low, R., Choo, K.T.W. and Blessing, L. 2021. User Perceptions and Adoption of Plug Load Management Systems in the Workplace. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2021).
  7. Lee, N.T.S., Kurniawan, O. and Choo, K.T.W. 2021. Assessing Programming Skills and Knowledge During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Experience Report. (2021).
  8. Tharatipyakul, A., Choo, K.T.W. and Perrault, Simon T. 2020. Pose Estimation for Facilitating Movement Learning from Online Videos. AVI’20. (video)
  9. Choo, K.T.W., Balan, R.K. and Lee, Y. 2019. Examining augmented virtuality impairment simulation for mobile app accessibility design. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2019). (video)
  10. Mikusz, M., Choo, K.T.W., Balan, R.K., Davies, N. and Lee, Y. 2019. New Challenges in Display-Saturated Environments. IEEE Pervasive Computing. (2019).
  11. Huynh, S., Choo, K.T.W., Balan, R.K. and Lee, Y. 2019. CryptoCurrency Mining on Mobile as an Alternative Monetization Approach. Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (2019), 6.
  12. Kim, W., Choo, K.T.W., Lee, Y., Misra, A. and Balan, R. 2018. Empath-D: VR-based Empathetic App Design for Accessibility. Proc. of 16th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys) (2018).
  13. Tran, H.V., Misra, A., Roy, Q., Choo, K.T.W. and Lee, Y. 2018. Smartwatch-based Early Gesture Detection & Trajectory Tracking for Interactive Gesture-Driven Applications. UbiComp. 2, (Mar. 2018), 1–27.
  14. Choo, K.T.W., Balan, R.K., Wee, T.K., Chauhan, J., Misra, A. and Lee, Y. 2017. Empath-D: Empathetic Design for Accessibility. Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - HotMobile ’17 (2017), 55–60.
  15. Tran, V.H., Choo, K.T.W., Lee, Y., Davis, R.C. and Misra, A. 2016. MAGI: Enabling multi-device gestural applications. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2016 (2016).
  16. Choo, K.T.W., Roy, Q. and Davis, R.C. 2016. Enabling multi-device interaction on the go in the MAGI project. CHI 2016 Workshop on Interacting with Multi-Device ecologies “in the wild” (2016).
  17. Davis, R.C. and Choo, K.T.W. 2014. PlaySketch: Turning Animation Sketches Into Game Logic. IUI 2014 Workshop on Sketch: Pen and Touch Recognition (2014).
  18. Tan, A.L.S., Helander, M., Choo, K.T.W., Soh, B.K. 2010. Cognitive Task Analysus for Maritime Collisions. 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE ‘10).
  19. Yu, S., Tan, A. L. S., Chen, A. J., Choo, K.T.W., Soh, B. K. 2010. Recursive thinking in adversarial decision making: A naturalistic study. (Multidisciplinary Decision Science Symposium 2010)
  20. Pan, F., Choo, K.T.W., Le, T. M. 2005. Fast Rate-Distortion Optimization in H.264/AVC Video Coding. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (Vol. 3683, pp. 433-441).


Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Lecturer, Singapore Management University

Graduate Instructor / Teaching Assistant, Singapore Management University


Professional Service and Leadership

Associate Chair: CSCW 2020-2022, CHI Late-Breaking Work (2021-2022)

Organising Committee: MobiCom 2019, UbiComp 2018

Reviewer: CSCW 2019-2022, CHI 2019-2020, IMWUT/UbiComp 2018-2020, MobiSys 2018, Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2018, HAI 2018, MobileHCI 2016